Eight Family Educational Games for Children Development

First, classification game: Provide children with several different kinds of items with the common characteristics, such as small cars, spoon, keys, iron coins etc. let children find their common characteristics to do classification games, encourage his repeated classification. Parents can provide children with some materials like symbols, colors, food, numbers, shapes, characters and words etc. let them classify according to the characteristics.

Second, the role-playing game: parents can encourage the child to play his favorite "role" in imagination. Provide him some clues, such as a plane, let him imagine what happened to it in the sky; or give him a iron King Kong toy to guide him make dialogue with it.

Third, finger games: hands are humans outside brain, training our hands is help to brain development.

Design some exercises for finger movements, such as sign language song, swing hands, kneading mud, setting up blocks, etc. for the children to exercise fingers and use brains.

Fourth, play "hide and seek" game with the child. Hide one of the items in a corner at home let the child to seek; add some items or numbers in the picture and let him find it out; take the child to play outdoor to play "treasure seeking" activities.

Fifth, drawing game, from graffiti to able to draw pictures, children always have strong interest in painting. They are keen on expressing their feelings and emotions through drawing. Offer different materials for children to enjoy the joy of free drawing.

Sixth, the combination game: Many inventions are to plus some functions to the original items. Parents can first let the child observe which objects are combined, then think what combination of things will be better to use. Words and pictures combine into the story. Other combination shapes like puzzles, building blocks, as well as the combination of empty bottles and stones.

Seventh, observation game: let the children observe the growth of seedlings, or sweet potatoes sprout to understand the secrets of the creation; Observe the change of shadows to learn about the scientific concept; Observe the facial expressions to know the sense motive and intentions; or even observe and visit various exhibitions, performances, outdoor picnic etc.

Eighth, perception games: Perception is a kind of analysis and interpretation capability of information obtained through the sense, including touch, hearing, smell, taste and other sensory effect. Let children identify different shapes of items through tough, tastes a variety of spices with tongue, play matching games, identify the directions and location.


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